On-site training

On-site trainings

The training courses enable your employees to develop their social intelligence efficiently and durably.
They take place on your own premises, internationally and in France, in French or in English.

"Become super likable!" Training

Whatever your job, if you know how to gain the sympathy of others and be more attractive, you will garner leadership skills and elicit more voluntary cooperation. This is what being "super likable" is like.
Whichever your level of technical skills, they can never substitute for good interpersonal skills.
This is why the ability to establish simple and positive relationships is absolutely paramount.
The latter can be learned and will allow you to become "super likable! ".

What are the objectives ?

At the end of the training, you will know how to :
  • quickly establish healthy, simple and enjoyable relationships with others
  • gain the sympathy of people and be more appreciated while remaining true to yourself
  • give an excellent first impression
  • develop natural benevolence and empathy
  • create a climate of trust and put people at ease
  • decipher soft signals
  • adopt an engaging attitude and body language
  • elicit positive emotions in others

What are the secondary benefits ?

  • Leadership skills and increased natural charisma
  • A broader and richer personal network
  • Generate more voluntary and qualitative cooperation from others
  • Have more fun interacting and working with or for others
  • Feel a greater sense of personal serenity

For whoM ?

  • Any collaborator or manager wanting to be more appreciated and improve the quality of their relationships at work

How long?

  • 2 days (possibility of spacing the 2 days)
Questions ? I would love to answer it. (Click here to contact me)
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